Author: mgreatorex@rexness.comPage 1 of 7

EUROTRIP 2022 – DAY 22

Paris All things considered, I should hate Paris.Everything I despise about big cities, Paris has it in spades. It stinks, the traffic is a nightmare, it’s crowded and…

EUROTRIP 2022 – DAY 21

Paris First-up, an apology of sorts, it appears that due to an issue with one of my camera batteries, a number of photographs seem not to have saved…

EUROTRIP 2022 – DAY 20

Paris Our aim for this week is a simple one – no big ticket tourist items (we’ve canned the idea of a trip to Versailles due to hassles…

EUROTRIP 2022 – DAY 19

Amsterdam to Paris Fast trains and taxi lanes More text than photos for this post I’m afraid, as it was a travel day. As our time on the…

EUROTRIP 2022 – DAY 18

Amsterdam The final day of our cruise saw us wake to a grey, crisp day in Amsterdam, having arrived and docked in the early hours of the morning….