Rüdesheim to Koblenz

The Rhine Gorge

The time has come for one of the highlights of the entire trip and possibly the whole reason that river cruising in Europe is so popular – an afternoon cruise through the UNESCO World Heritage listed Upper Middle Rhine Valley, more commonly known as The Rhine Gorge.

After leaving Rüdesheim, something quite amazing started to happen – within a few minutes of our departure, the rain dried up, the breeze dropped and the sun even tried to come out, meaning conditions were just perfect to sit up on the top deck of the ship and marvel at the castles and historic villages that we passed.

Scenic have an app that offers commentary along the whole length of the gorge – a few people managed to get it working, but no such luck for us. So what follows is just a series of photographs taken along the entire journey. Perhaps when I get home I might be able to do some research on what each one is, but for the time being, please sit back, pour yourself a Rüdesheimer Kaffee and enjoy the gorgeous scenery.

By Rex

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